Follow these 12 tips to cope with 14 hours plus long-haul flights

Consider air travel as blessing for digital detox and relax instead of a drag 

Follow these 12 tips to cope with 14 hours plus long-haul flights
Caption: Passengers on long-haul flights should prepare well to make their journey pleasant.
Source: Emirates

Dubai: Your long-haul flights could become a pleasant ‘break’ instead of a drag if your follow these tips. 

Squeezed seats, dry air, and jet lag woes - long-haul flights can feel like an eternity trapped in a metal tube.  Experts suggest to wear and comfy clothes, rest well and ensure to have enough entertainment to keep you going through long haul flights especially when on 14 to 16 hours air journey. 

1-Make friends

Try to make friends with your fellow passengers and the crew to However, if you don’t feel particularly chatty during a 14–16-hour flight. Flights are a great opportunity to meet interesting people going your way. Each person on that plane has their own reason for travelling, so why not find out their story.

2-Digital detox

Use such long travel as ‘digital detox’ by staying away from your emails and social media usage. Give yourself a break and it will help relax your mind and body. 


Wear loose-fitting pants, breathable shirts, a hoodie and cozy socks. opt for compression socks. It soothes the feet. 

4-How to Sleep

Try to sleep as much as possible as it is the most ideal way to battle long-haul flights. Forget that those other 349 passengers are even there with a good sleep mask and a pair of ear plugs. 

A travel pillow, sleep mask, and earplugs are essential items that can help you survive long-haul flights

6-Reserve a good seat

One of the most essential long haul flight tips is to think ahead and choose a good seat, where possible. 

If you want more leg room, opt for exit rows

If you want to avoid crying children, stay away from the front of the plane as this is often where you’ll find special provision for babies on international flights

If you like to move about the plane (or have quick access to the loos) make sure you get an aisle seat


Load up well on your in-flight entertainment. Pack books, download your favourite movies and television shows to keep you going for the long trip. You can even watch your family gathering movies which never get the chance to watch due to busy work schedule.  Also use this time to manage your phone memory by deleting unwanted messages and useless photos. 

8- Cabin luggage

There’s nothing more stressful than lugging a great big suitcase around the boarding area and trying unsuccessfully to stuff it into the overhead lockers, while everyone else looks on, tutting.

9- Take your own snacks 

To stave off any bouts of hunger while you’re waiting for the rattle of the food trolley, stow a few slow-energy release snacks like cereal bars, nuts or dried fruit in your carry-on luggage.

10-Move around the plane

Stretching your legs is not only necessary for your own sanity on a long-haul flight, but it helps avoid the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). There may not be anywhere in particular to walk apart from up and down the aisles but moving about the plane once in a while is much more conducive to getting some healthy rest than popping a sleeping pill.

11- Stay hydrated

Aircraft cabins are often very dry places and the chances of becoming dehydrated are high. Drink plenty of water slowly and regularly and avoid too much tea, coffee and alcohol. Bring a bottle of water onboard if you can. You may find your skin’s affected too — bring a small tube of moisturizer and take some eyedrops if you’re prone to dry eyes.

12- Relax

What better time is there to abandon your cares and just do nothing than a flight? Use the time to catch up on that book you haven’t had the chance to get stuck into, watch a few rom-coms or get excited about your destination by leafing through the guidebook. See long flight hours as your bonus time, and your long flight will immediately become a positive thing rather than a drag.